Monday, 17 November 2014

Extra Time (to write)

Hello everyone
    All appears to be going well, (maybe a little too well) My shifts at work have changed again; I now work mornings only; woo hoo; freeing up the afternoons for writing,(once the courses are out of the way, I'm free to scribble) we now have four to do every month; just as well I don't have much of a social life.
     My writing is going well, so far; I've completed another two chapters of my novel and managed to do a lot of vital research, which I must admit, gave me a few nightmares, (the astral plane has some nasty entities floating around) I've also got another three short stories for my collection, only in notes at the moment, if I stopped to write them, I'd never get my novel done, although it is very tempting.
     The romance is still going strong,(we don't see each other enough to argue) We went to a reputedly haunted pub out in the middle of nowhere; no houses, no street lights, nothing....just darkness. The pub dates back to the 16 century and although it's said to be very haunted, we neither saw or felt anything, I'm beginning to think we scare the ghosts away.
     We also paid a visit to the derelict building of our first date. The place is literally in ruins. The grounds have been stripped of trees and bushes, completely levelled and with all the rain, the grounds are like quick sand, we sank in soggy clay like mud up to our shins, even doc martens didn't protect us. Scaffolding surrounds the main building as the tiles are stripped off the roof for resale and all the little out buildings have gone, reduced to nothing more than rubble; it is truly a sad sight.
     I wonder where the ghosts will go when the place has been demolished? Will they still continue to haunt the site? Or will they cease to exist? This poses a question; Where do ghost's go when they are not haunting? Any answers will be greatly appreciated.
    Anyway, that's about it for now, my novel beckons; it's sitting on the table in front of me and I can almost hear my main character urging me not to leave her in the predicament I just put her in. I wish all other writers out there good luck with their scribbling.