Tuesday, 30 December 2014

New Year, New Promises.

Hello everyone,
     As there are only a couple of days left of this year, I've made a few promises to myself; I'm loath to call them resolutions, as that's just inviting failure.
     I've promised to write every single day, even if it's just a few lines. I've also promised to finish one thing before I start another, (I have four short stories on the go as well as my novel) I never seem to finish anything lately, even my orphanage story is hanging in limbo, much to the annoyance of my friend, who keeps asking when he can read it and have I finished it yet? I get so excited at the thought of a new story, that I abandon the old ones.
     Talking of abandoned, the poor orphanage, (the focus of my short story) is now nothing but a sad, broken pile of bricks.
     We drove out to see it the other day, just to say our goodbyes, but unfortunately we were too late, the demolition squad had beaten us to it.
     It felt strange standing in the grounds amid mountains of broken bricks. A kind of sadness hung over the area, we both felt it, as if the bricks, absorbing the atmosphere of the home over the years, were slowly dying, needless to say we didn't stay long.
     I wanted to take a piece of brick or wood as a keepsake, but didn't have the heart to separate it from its kin, so left empty handed, but with a heart full of memories.
     I'm determined to keep my promises, 2015 is going to be a very productive year . . .I promise.
I wish everyone a great new writing year, whether you're a beginner or a professional, good luck to you all and a happy new year.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Feel Good Feedback

Hello everyone,
     I have just received a lovely, encouraging text from my romantic interest. I started a new story based in the abandoned building of our first date and told him about it,(well he did ask) Anyway, after a lot of badgering and pleading, I finally let him read it, (I'd only written a few pages) and don't like anyone to see them, let alone read them until I'm fully satisfied with them.
     Well, he took the printed pages home, read them and text me straight away; this is how the text went....'Hi hunni, you have real talent, I swear your stories could move me to tears, given the time you could really make it, you should quit your day job and write full time.'
     If only; I'd love the chance to write full time, who wouldn't? Quit the day job and hit the big time, or sink trying.
     That text sent my spirits soaring, I felt elated and so proud. Someone, who doesn't usually read or like fiction, loved my work; if only editors were that appreciative. Needless to say I'm busy writing the rest of the story to see what he thinks of the finished piece, (hope I don't disappoint) which leaves my poor novel gathering a bit more dust.
     I know in the great scheme of the writing world, his opinion counts for very little, but to me, those words meant everything. That little text made my day and gave me hope. If one person likes it, maybe others will too, so my ending message to everyone is, never give up hope .....it's all we've got and please, show your work to other people, however nervous you may be.