Saturday, 14 February 2015

The Best Laid Plans

Hello fellow scribblers
       I received some very upsetting news the other day; after ten years with the same company, I am being made redundant, the care home where I work is closing down in six weeks time. But if that wasn't bad enough, (oh yes, it gets worse) I've also been given six months to vacate my home. The flat is rented from the same company as my job, so no job, no home.
     I have spent the past week living under a black cloud, numb with shock. The announcement was a complete surprise to everyone, no-one knew it was coming, there were no whispers or comments, nothing.
     Needless to say, my writing has taken a back seat, (I had such high hopes for this year) all I'm writing now are CV's and job applications and instead of scouring the web for writing opportunities, I'm desperately house hunting. I feel like a character in a story, my entire world has just come crashing down around me.
      Today is valentines day and yes, my romantic interest surprised me with a beautiful silken gothic cushion depicting a raven, a huge box of chocs and a gorgeous card, (by the way, these are the first valentine gifts I have ever received) and while I was over whelmed by them, (I never realised he felt that way) the whole feeling of the day was overshadowed by recent events.
      I don't know how things will turn out, my foreseeable future looks rather bleak, but you never know, a year from now I might get a story out of it.
     Until next time, I wish you all good luck and ask that you appreciate what you have, as you never know when you could lose it.