Hello everyone
I've done it, finally I have a home with my two beloved cats. It's taken six months and near extinction on my part, I've scrimped and saved, begged and pleaded and cried until I'm exhausted. It's very tiny, just a basement flat with three rooms, lounge/kitchenette, bedroom and bathroom, communal gardens with a concrete and dirt patch to call my own.
I received no help whatsoever from the council, simply stuck on the bidding system and left to get on with it. I have slept in my car next to fields, car parks and my daughter's floor. I reached breaking point. My cats were terrified of everything at my daughter's house; other cats, dogs, chickens, ducks and lived in the outhouse, they were cold and scared.
I am now working round the clock to pay for everything, but my cats are happy and settled; they love their new home as I do myself, I have started writing again, picking up my novel where I left off. Just re-reading it the other day I could see how low my mood had sunk, the writing was dark and depressive; I've deleted it all but not before printing it out as a reminder to how low the human spirit can go.
Eventually, on a friends advice, I went to the doctor and she prescribed citalopram, an anti depressant, it did ease my mood a little, but did not solve my problem; that was up to me. I am fearful of the future. What if my now landlord decides to sell this flat; I will be homeless again and I never want to go through that again....ever.
I sincerely hope no-one out there has to go through that; it is one of the worst feelings and situations in the world, nowhere to go and no-one to turn to. I hope you are all still writing and have had some success, until next time, good luck to you all. xx