Monday 24 March 2014

The Weed Wacker

Hello fellow scribblers
     Last week I weeded my creative garden, digging out and destroying as many creation killers as I could find. I made two lists (I love lists) weeds and flowers. The weed list went something like this and told of all the reasons why my dream couldn't come true. Lack of time. Lack of money. Useless. No talent. No motivation. Unrealistic goals. While my flower list had all positive points. My dream. Desire, hidden talent that just needs to be nurtured. Enjoyment. Fulfilment. Passion.
     I then took the weed list and set fire to it, destroying and cleansing my imagination which had become choked. Just because I didn't get enough time to spend on my writing, I thought, what's the point? Well there is a point. It's my dream. To take a line from a captain sensible song . . .If you don't have a dream, how you gonna make a dream come true? No dream. No hope.
     As long as we're alive, there is hope, without hope, there is nothing to look forward to, no goal to aim for. Time is precious and we have to make the most of what we've got. I'd love to be able to write all day, to allow my creative juices to run riot, but that's not going to happen, instead I have to make good use of the time I've got. If I've got an hour or more, I'll work on my novel, if I've only got 15 or 20 minutes, I'll outline a short story, (short stories and flash are easier to dip in and out of)
     I've taken a long hard look at my life this last week. It's not perfect by any means, far from it. But by being given this passion, this crumb of talent, why would I want to throw it away. If you don't take control of your life, then fate will control it for you. I don't want to be at the mercy of fate. Yes, it's going to be hard, but nothing worth having ever came easy. You have to fight for what you want, what you believe in and I believe in myself, even if no-one else does, that doesn't matter, self belief can move mountains. As Lisa Simpson said, believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.
     Last week on my soul searching exercise, I forbid myself to write for the week. It was hard, no it was impossible, I lasted two days before I snatched up a pen and began to write. So you see, writing is in me, it's a part of me, a part of who I am. So grab your dreams, whatever they are with both hands, dust off the cobwebs, pull out the weeds and go for it, fight for what you want and make it happen.

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