Monday 3 March 2014

So Many Stories So Little Time

Hello writing world.
     Its been a busy past week. Firstly the offending tooth has gone, ripped out on Tuesday and consigned to the tooth fairy trashcan. (I'm sure there's a story in there somewhere)
     As expected my shifts have all changed this week, but as I said before, it could work in my favour as it has today. I was on an early this morning which freed up the afternoon and evening for writing. Arriving home about 3pm, I grabbed my laptop and began writing, not giving my mind chance to think of any mundane tasks to waste time over.
     Also, quite unexpectedly, I got another short story idea from work this morning, via an ear wigged conversation over heard from the toilet. (strange where you get ideas from)
     I'm now up to chapter 6 of my novel and strangely enough, its still going well. Sometimes I burn out and abandon them after chapter 3, but not this time. I did a detailed and complete synopsis, a time line and I make notes chapter by chapter, high lighting all the important points along the way, that way, if I need to go back to a certain point, I know exactly where it is and don't have to waste an entire week looking for it. Maybe this will be the one. Maybe it will make me rich or at least a little better off or maybe it will simply be dumped in the box marked 'HOMELESS' under my bed as so many of its predecessors have.
     I've almost completed another short story for my collection, that's 6 so far. They're all printed out and sitting in a plastic wallet, except for this latest one as my computer and printer still aren't on speaking terms. I've even got the title for the short story collection; A SLICE OF DEATH A PINCH OF MADNESS. What do you think, catchy eh? I've got 20 stories selected for it, (6 down 14 to go) they've all got titles with notes attached, I just don't seem to be able to find the time to write them. I've still got last months writing magazine to read yet, I haven't even looked at it and the new one comes out this week.
     I went down to Folkestone on Saturday for my granddaughters 11th birthday, the weather was cold, but lovely and sunny, so we headed to the beach. The tide was out so we went onto the marina sands where the fishing boats are kept and I got a few photos of some seaweed hung caves and, yes you've guessed it, another story idea, they seem to be coming thick and fast lately. Even the journey inspired another story entitled 'THE NIGHT TRAIN' but as this piece suggests, too many stories too little time.
     I've been wandering around the web a bit more lately and urge any would be horror writers to check out the 'horror tree'. Its an on line guide to magazines accepting submissions, the payment is small and sometimes exposure only, but its better than nothing and we've all got to start somewhere. Maybe one of us will be lucky enough to be spotted via one of our stories.
     Once again I wish you all the very best of luck with your submissions, until next week . . . .

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