Wednesday 14 May 2014

A Potential Home

Hello fellow writers
      While flicking through my recent copy of Writing Magazine, I turned to the markets section and found a little gem; a possible home for my novel. It was a half page advert for a publishing company called Tiger Stripes. They mainly publish children's and YA books, but they have just launched a new imprint called Red Eye, which is full on horror and the best bit . . . they are open to submissions.
     I checked out their website and guidelines and they sound perfect, just what I'm looking for. I was tempted to contact them straight away, but then stopped myself as I have two major problems, the first being that the book isn't finished yet, and the second is I'm afraid. Yes, you read that right, I'm scared.
1. What if they like it?
2. What if they don't?
     Lets tackle number one first; If they like it and want to see it, that's great, but what if they accept an unfinished novel; I'd be forced to meet a deadline and with work commitments and shift patterns, I'm not sure I could deliver on time and what happens if my imagination dries up and I can't finish it?
2. What if they don't like it. My creation is slapped with rejection and I have to endure the feelings that go with it. Maybe no-one will like it, maybe I'm just kidding myself and I have no talent.
     All these things are racing through my mind. I know there are plenty of other publishers out there, so maybe I should just leave it and finish the book first; I am writing frantically, but any advice on the matter would be very much appreciated. I don't want to miss the boat, but I don't want to jump aboard too quickly and watch it sink without trace.

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