Sunday 23 February 2014

procrastination or a lack of time

Hello fellow writers
        Another non productive week as far as the writing goes. Firstly I've still got toothache and the troublesome tooth. I visited the dentist on Wednesday, they gave me antibiotics for a week and told me to go to the hospital and get a dental xray as my dentist doesn't have an OPG machine. That done, the hospital then told me they couldn't print out the results as their CD machine was broken (I've got another dental appointment on Tuesday to have the offending tooth removed) but that's not going to happen now if the machine doesn't get fixed in time.
     Also this week I've had another E learning course to do for work, which meant another morning lost, that's 3 so far. Work itself has been manic and my new boss has decided to change all our shifts around (I've been doing lates for the past 6 years) which had left the morning free for writing. Now I'm going to have to do earlies, lates and long days, so no writing will get done that day. On the plus side, if she gives me 3 long days, I'll get the rest of the week off, which should free up extra writing time.
     Although I did do some writing at work this week. I keep a small note book in my pocket, keep the short story in my head and scribble bits down as I think of them.
     I've also been visiting the toilet more frequently (antibiotics can be a curse) but note book in hand, it's been quite productive, although a colleague did knock on the door and ask me if I was okay, (I lost track of time)
     Another good thing about toilets is that they give you thinking time. I got the idea for another two short stories, both due to my visit the other week to Tonbridge to see the floods. Tonbridge has two big lakes fairly close to each other, Haysden and Barden, so in the middle of the floods, the toilet and my love of horror, the Barden beast and the Haysden horror were born. After I've written them, I may print them out, place them in plastic wallets and pin them up in said parks. (I'm not sure if this is allowed) for the curious to read and hopefully enjoy, (knowing my luck I'll get done for littering) Hopefully though I'll just spread a few chills among the early morning dog walkers and the late night fishermen.
     That said, though, I'm still having printer problems. I brought a notebook laptop after Christmas as my old one died, but I neglected to check if it had a disk drive . . . it didn't and as my printer works via a disk to install, I've now got to find it as a download, which is not as easy as it sounds. Three downloads have already failed, but then the printer is ancient, but I will keep trying, no-one can say I'm not persistent.
     But back to the writing. I haven't heard from Massacre magazine yet, but I'm still hopeful. My short story is finished, but as yet unprintable, my novel is creeping along nicely, my lead character's personality is really starting to shine. I may post further snippets of it here as well as short stories and a bit of flash fiction, although I do find flash a struggle. I'm a very wordy person, so usually have to slash my work to the point of death rather than just trim off the excess.
     I've also had to curb my obsession with notebooks and pens. I love them way too much. Two of my desk drawers are full of note books as well as a couple of under bed boxes and I have enough pens to last several life times, they're even spilling over into my car. They range, as do the notebooks, from the plain and boring to the fancy, glittery and brightly decorated.
     Unfortunately, we've now got a new stationary shop in town called BLOT. Well, that shop speaks to me, urging me to come in and browse its wares, feel the smoothness of its pens and the durability of its notebooks and I am helpless to resist. But yesterday I fought temptation. I didn't go in, it was hard, very hard, but I did it, one small victory for now.
     Anyway that's about it for this week, I hope I'll have something more literary to write about next week. I wish everyone in the writing world good luck and free flowing words.

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